Feminine Energy Series - Part 1
A must read book recommendation and some other thoughts on the power of feminine energy
If you’re here from TikTok, you’ve heard me talk about men taking energy from women. Let me show you exactly what this book says about this.
If you’re not here from TikTok, we are talking about how men seek out and benefit from feminine energy. “Men are the plug and women are the outlet” is how I’ve best described this phenomenon.
This book, The Circle of Feminine Power, is what got me started in understanding the energy exchange in relationships. I promised my TikTok audience that I would put what I believe are the most important tidbits from this book here.
Brace yourself because this tiny paragraph will change your life.
“But regular men receive energy from women. A man is not able to take energy from space; it is all directed outwards, towards action. Only Women is able to accumulate energy owing to her uterus, receiving it from water, air, fire and earth, that is, from nature. Energy attracts men. And he searches for this energy in woman, without it he cannot embody his dreams, realize his plans, earn money and take authority.”
Let’s really let that sink in. They are not capable of generating this energy and the seek it from women. “Without is he cannot embody his dreams, realize his plans, earn money and take authority.”
That’s heavy stuff!
That is how important women are to men. When I say men need women, I’m not kidding. A successful man is getting feminine energy from somewhere. Period.
This is also why you should never, ever mess with a man who challenges what you “bring to the table”. Never.
Men know how valuable women are. They know what we bring to the table. They know because the absence of women in their life is painful. It is a deep emptiness that inhibits their success.
A man who challenges what you “bring to the table” is one of two things:
1.) He is in search of masculine energy. He is probably closeted and should not be searching for a woman.
2.) He is a manipulator who is seeking to minimize your power to control you and keep your power for himself. Deep down he doesn’t believe he deserves your power because he doesn’t have an equal masculine power to flow back to you. He is attempting to steal your power by making you feel as though you have little value.
Again, never mess with these men. Don’t seek to change them and don’t seek to encourage them to "realize your value”. They never will. These are not the men for you.
Energy is a flow.
This is important to realize. Energy is not a static, unmoving element. It is a circuit, or a circle, of energy.
To be healthy, energy must flow out and energy must return. This is why it is so devastating to women to have their energy taken without getting some masculine energy in return.
So, how do men do that?
Masculine energy creates space. Feminine energy radiates.
Masculine energy creates the space for feminine energy to safely radiate.
Masculine energy is the commitment the gives the feminine safety so that she is cared for and protected. Masculine energy is the physical universe energy that provides space for the feminine. Money, food and shelter are all examples of this type of energy.
Masculine energy creates space so that feminine energy can radiate. Anyone in that sphere of radiation then benefits from this feminine energy.
The feminine giving her energy to the masculine without a return flow of masculine energy will find herself depleted, drained and unhappy.
Men who steal from the feminine without giving something in return may experience a temporary high but he will do poorly in the long run. He never gets the full benefits of a well cared for woman radiating her energy in all her glory. As a result, he will never find the success in life that he could have.
There is a reason they say, “behind every great man is a woman.” It’s not just a cute saying. It’s one of life’s energetic laws.
I hope, in reading this series, you achieve two things:
1.) I hope you begin to awaken to your feminine power. All women have this power but you are unique in how you express it. I hope you begin to realize how powerful you are.
2.) I hope you learn to nurture and protect yourself. Energy drain is real. Some of you may be feeling extremely depleted. You can get it back. I promise. I was there and I got it all back and then some.
Next article we’ll talk about the types of feminine power and how you can identify, tap into and magnify yours.